What kind of stationery is hidden?


      For the parents of the students, the health of the child is naturally very important. Stationery products are used as a learning tool for students. The safety of children is related to the development of children's physical and mental health. Therefore, many students or parents pay great attention to the safety of stationery when selecting stationery.
      It is not difficult to find that most of the learning tools are now toyized. Many parents buy it because the shape is cute and the children like it, but many parents don't know that these toy stationery is hidden. So, what kind of stationery is hidden?
      Fragrance stationery
      Many primary school students specify to buy a variety with aroma when purchasing ballpoint pens, erasers and other items. The fragrance is also varied, with a variety of sweet orange and strawberry flavors. Some experts pointed out that primary school students are characterized by curiosity, playfulness, and lack of concentration. They are easily attracted by scented stationery and distracted from the energy and attention of the lectures. At the same time, the correction fluid contains a variety of harmful chemicals that can cause irritation to the eyes. In addition, some students have the habit of sucking their fingers, and it is easy to ingest these toxic ingredients directly or indirectly, causing chronic poisoning.
      2. Small size stationery
      At present, most of the cartoon characters such as pencils and plastic book covers have been popular in the "text", and the second part of the eraser has been fragrant. Then, if the child encounters a stationery such as an eraser that is small in size, or a cartoon pen that is easy to fall off when the cap is small, it is likely to cause ingestion, swallowing, coughing, suffocating, or even causing suffocation. Wait for an unexpected event.
       Xiao Bian advises consumers to buy children's stationery, the volume of stationery should not be too small (the child's mouth can be swallowed) or have small accessories (small parts) easy to tear off, because children often put stationery into the mouth, easy Causes congestion and suffocation. In addition, in addition to observing the stationery itself, pay attention to the warning signs or warning instructions on the package. Such as "Warning! Contains small parts, not suitable for children 3 years old and younger" to judge whether the child is suitable for using such stationery.